Contact: 0112630480, 0112639502, 0648911356, 0648911344; email:

Spanish Language Courses have been organized in The Foundation of Ilija M. Kolarac for sixty years. Teaching is performed in small groups, in a pleasant atmosphere. Students  learn conversation in a language of Spanish speaking countries and also learn about the culture of Spain and Latin America. Enter the world of Spanish, using the most contemporary textbooks, handouts, different audio and video materials and authentic texts about  current themes.

General courses, intensive and specialised courses, Preparation Courses for DELE and the Individual courses have been organized by The Centre for Foreign Languages Ilija M.Kolarac.  Apart from that, our Centre offers Spanish Conversation courses at Higher Levels, B2 and C1, on current themes based on the authentic material.

GENERAL COURSES are one-semester courses, lasting for 4 months. The courses include 70 classes (2 x 90 minutes per a week).

THE INTENSIVE COURSES last for two months (4 x 90 minutes per a week) and they  are organized for levels A1 and A2.

At the end of each semester, students may take examinations to obtain a certificate of The Centre for Foreign Languages of Ilija M.Kolarac Foundation.
The language levels in our Centre are in compliance with the Levels of the CEF (Common European Language Framework).


Until the opening of the Cervantes Institute in Belgrade, 2004, The Endowment Ilija M. Kolarac teachers were the only authorized Examiners for obtaining the Diploma DELE. Today, these examinations have been organized by the Institute Cervantes. The Examinations are held twice a year in May and November, at different levels. All language skills are being tested. The Preparatory Courses for obtaining Diplomas issued by the Institute Cervantes have been organized by the Endowment Kolarac. The Diplomas validity is limited, and are recognized worldwide. To enroll in any of these courses, it is necessary to have an appropriate level of knowledge.

Diploma de español nivel B1 (two months’ course)
Diploma de español nivel B2 – 1st part (four months’ course)
Diploma de español nivel B2 – 2nd part (two months’ course)
Diploma de español nivel C1 – 1st part (two months’ course)
Diploma de español nivel C2 – 1st part (four months’ course)
Diploma de español nivel C2 – 2nd part (four months’ course)
Diploma de español nivel C2 – 3rd part (two months’ course)

FOUR MONTHS’ COURSES are thorough preparation for DELE Examinations and connect our Ordinary Courses with the requirements of the Cervantes Institute concerning The DELE levels.

A candidate on TWO MONTHS’ COURSE, who already has the appropriate knowledge, should have to practise the Examination Technique. The Course consists of the repeated simulations of The Examination that should enable candidate to read faster and take the main ideas of the text; to understand the sound material and remember most of its elements; to practise writing formal and informal letters; to describe a series of vignettes that together form a meaningful whole, and to react in a given situation.

TEXTBOOK: Pasaporte Ele A1, Edelsa


Nouns and Adjectives (the Gender, the Singular and Plural)
Plural of Nouns
Indefinite and Definite Article
Possessive Adjectives, the Comparison of Adjectives
Unstressed and Stressed Personal Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Verbs SER and ESTAR
Present Simple Tense – Regular and Irregular Verbs
Reflexive Verbs, Gerund, Imperative
Phrases: tener que + infinitivo, estar + gerundio, ir a + infinitivo, acabar de + infinitivo


Introduction, Greetings
Family Members, Friends
Days of The Week, Dates and The Seasons of The Year
Environment, home, work, school, vacation
Physical appearance and Temper of people
Everyday work and Daily Activities, Phone conversation
Getting around in The City
Colors, Clothes, Parts of The Body
Leisure, entertainment, celebrations, sports activities
Going to a Restaurant, Food, Shopping, Green market, Store.
The Spanish Language, Holidays, Spanish Gastronomy, Madrid, Music (Tango, Salsa, Flamenco).

At the end of The Starter Course (A1) pupil should be able to:

Understand and answer simple questions
Give the essential information about oneself and the family
Talk about his/her occupation
Talk about Likes and Dislikes
Explain ones’ plans and intentions in the near future
Leave a simple message
Understand simple news and caption photos

Pupils need 70 lessons or 17,5 weeks for The Starter Course.

TEXTBOOK: Pasaporte Ele A2, Edelsa


Stressed Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns
Phrases: llevar + gerundio, hay que + infinitivo, tener que + infinitivo
Past Tenses (Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Coninuous)
Subjunctive – Present Simple Tense
Comparison of Adjectives
Relative Clauses


Personal Information, Identity Documents
Character, Relationship Between People, Mood
The Compliments
The Stages of Life
Ways of Preparing Food, Tastes, Gastronomy
Transport, Vehicles, Tourism, Travelling
Art Styles, Picture Description
Pains, Health
Going Shopping, The Ways of Payment, Clothes
Professions, Learning, Education, CV, Job Interview, Homes
The Social Life, Celebrations, Holidays, Habits
“Don Quijote”, History, Painting, Fashion. Beauty, Sports
Film, Design, Tourism, Architecture
System of Health and Education

At the end of The Intermediate (A2) Course pupil should be able to:

Communicate in a well-known situation
Use adequate vocabulary
Know many expressions
Estimate relationship with another speaker and adjust addressing (Formal, Informal style in communication)
Retell past events in a simple way
Use The Future Tense
Make agreements with other pupils
Give essential advice and instructions
Read and understand simpler newspapers

Pupils need 70 lessons or 17,5 weeks for The Intermediate (A2) Course.

TEXTBOOK: Pasaporte Ele B1, Edelsa


Relative Pronouns
Use of Past Tenses
Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns
Comparison of Adjectives
Phrases: volver a + infinitivo, acabar de + infinitivo, dejar de + infinitivo, etc.
Tenses: Future Continuous, Past Perfect, Conditional, Subjunctive – in The Past Simple
Reported Speech, Reported Questions
Sequences of Tenses
Relative Clauses – Temporal, Causal Intentional, Defining Relative Clauses
Concessive, Statements, Conditional – real and hypothetical
Passive, Impersonal Sentences


People, Everyday Life, Daily Routine
Places, Means of Transport, Home, House Work
Relationship Between People, Family and Friends
Temper and Physical Appearance
The Past, Education and Life Experience
Health and Disease: Human Body, Nutrition Therapy
Ecology, Geography
Rules and Obligation
Profession, Working Conditions, Plans, Wishes
Leisure, Sport, Entertainment, Art
The News, Events, Offenses, Wishes, Holidays and Travelling, The Accommodation
Shopping, Business, Economy, Styling
Holidays and Tradition

At the end of the Intermediate (В1), pupils should be able to:

Communicate With the Others
Discuss his/her Essential Attitudes and Suppositions
Use Compound Sentences
Use Adequate Vocabulary
Write An Informal Letter
Read and understand simple news
Write Shorter Texts

It is necessary 140 lessons or 35 weeks for The Intermediate 2 and Intermediate 3 Course.

TEXTBOOK: Pasaporte Ele B1, Edelsa


Relative Pronouns
Use of Past Tenses
Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns
Comparison of Adjectives
Phrases: volver a + infinitivo, acabar de + infinitivo, dejar de + infinitivo, etc.
Tenses: Future Continuous, Past Perfect, Conditional, Subjunctive – in The Past Simple
Reported Speech, Reported Questions
Sequences of Tenses
Relative Clauses – Temporal, Causal Intentional, Defining Relative Clauses
Concessive, Statements, Conditional – real and hypothetical
Passive, Impersonal Sentences


People, Everyday Life, Daily Routine
Places, Means of Transport, Home, House Work
Relationship Between People, Family and Friends
Temper and Physical Appearance
The Past, Education and Life Experience
Health and Disease: Human Body, Nutrition Therapy
Ecology, Geography
Rules and Obligation
Profession, Working Conditions, Plans, Wishes
Leisure, Sport, Entertainment, Art
The News, Events, Offenses, Wishes, Holidays and Travelling, The Accommodation
Shopping, Business, Economy, Styling
Holidays and Tradition

At the end of the Intermediate (В1), pupils should be able to:

Communicate With the Others
Discuss his/her Essential Attitudes and Suppositions
Use Compound Sentences
Use Adequate Vocabulary
Write An Informal Letter
Read and understand simple news
Write Shorter Texts

It is necessary 140 lessons or 35 weeks for The Intermediate 2 and Intermediate 3 Course.

TEXTBOOK: Pasaporte Ele В2, Edelsa or Español en Marcha 4, SGEL


Past Tenses, Past Continuous Tense, Phrases, The Gender
Prepositions (con, de, a, en, por, para…)
Future Tense for Expressing Suppositions
Compound Relative Clauses
Suffixes for Formation of Adjectives, Nouns and Verbs
Reported Speech and Sequence of Tenses
Connectors, Subjunctive,Passive
Conditional Sentences, Relative Clauses for Causes, Intentions, Threats, Setting Conditions
Neuter Pronoun Lo and self-Pronouns


Happiness, How We Used to Live, The Experiences
The Necessary Appliances, Technology
The Virtual Libraries, E-mail, SMS, Newspapers Articles
Home in The Future, Life in Flats, Holidays with The Family
Food, Preparing Food, Diets, Body and Psysical Exercices
Friendship, Common Life in a Flat, Love, Marriage, Relationships
Emigration, Cultural Differences
Marketing, Claims to products, Money, Internet Shopping
TV, The Family Habits, Newspapers & Blog, Freedom of Press
Males & Females
Film and Reviews, Dance, Leisure, Ideal Holiday
Choice of Travelling Destination, Travelling around the World
CV, Profession, Bosses, Working Woman, Public Service, CV
Offenses and Penalties, Robberies
Vehicle, Malfunction and Repairs
Animals, The Language of Animals, Expressions about Animals
Climate Changes, Natural Disasters
Hispano – American Novel (Fiction, Description)
Tourism and Culture, Hispano Culture: Coffee, Olive Oil, Spanglish, Barcelona and Gaudi, Latin America, Tourists in Space, Film Festival, Culture of The Mayas, Goya, Cervantes…

At the end of The Upper-Intermediate 1 and Upper-Intermediate 2, pupils should be able to:

Talk with Spanish-Native speaker, either in a foreign country – as a Tourist, Student, Businessman, or in his/her native country. Offer the necessary information, advice or help a person in the Spanish Language.
Tell ones’ opinion about everything
To correctly chose Pronouns Tu & Usted
Express ones’ thoughts in a Written Form
Write Informal and Formal Letter
Vocabulary enriched with abstract ideas, phrases, slang
Read the daily news, magazines and novels (the further with a help of a dictionary)

It is necessary 140 lessons or 35 weeks for one or both courses

TEXTBOOK: Pasaporte Ele В2, Edelsa or Español en Marcha 4, SGEL


Past Tenses, Past Continuous Tense, Phrases, The Gender
Prepositions (con, de, a, en, por, para…)
Future Tense for Expressing Suppositions
Compound Relative Clauses
Suffixes for Formation of Adjectives, Nouns and Verbs
Reported Speech and Sequence of Tenses
Connectors, Subjunctive,Passive
Conditional Sentences, Relative Clauses for Causes, Intentions, Threats, Setting Conditions
Neuter Pronoun Lo and self-Pronouns


Happiness, How We Used to Live, The Experiences
The Necessary Appliances, Technology
The Virtual Libraries, E-mail, SMS, Newspapers Articles
Home in The Future, Life in Flats, Holidays with The Family
Food, Preparing Food, Diets, Body and Psysical Exercices
Friendship, Common Life in a Flat, Love, Marriage, Relationships
Emigration, Cultural Differences
Marketing, Claims to products, Money, Internet Shopping
TV, The Family Habits, Newspapers & Blog, Freedom of Press
Males & Females
Film and Reviews, Dance, Leisure, Ideal Holiday
Choice of Travelling Destination, Travelling around the World
CV, Profession, Bosses, Working Woman, Public Service, CV
Offenses and Penalties, Robberies
Vehicle, Malfunction and Repairs
Animals, The Language of Animals, Expressions about Animals
Climate Changes, Natural Disasters
Hispano – American Novel (Fiction, Description)
Tourism and Culture, Hispano Culture: Coffee, Olive Oil, Spanglish, Barcelona and Gaudi, Latin America, Tourists in Space, Film Festival, Culture of The Mayas, Goya, Cervantes…

At the end of The Upper-Intermediate 1 and Upper-Intermediate 2, pupils should be able to:

Talk with Spanish-Native speaker, either in a foreign country – as a Tourist, Student, Businessman, or in his/her native country. Offer the necessary information, advice or help a person in the Spanish Language.
Tell ones’ opinion about everything
To correctly chose Pronouns Tu & Usted
Express ones’ thoughts in a Written Form
Write Informal and Formal Letter
Vocabulary enriched with abstract ideas, phrases, slang
Read the daily news, magazines and novels (the further with a help of a dictionary)

It is necessary 140 lessons or 35 weeks for one or both courses



Extended knowledge from the previous courses: (a, de, en, con, por, para, entre, contra, etc.),
Compound Nouns and Prepositions
Prefixes & Suffixes
Reflexive Pronouns, Objective Case
la mitad, todo, cuanto, la mayoría, la mayor parte, el resto…,
Word Order
Present, Future and Past Tenses (usage & functions)
Sequence of Tenses, Subjunctive
Phrasal Verbs
Infinitive, Gerund, Participle
verbos de cambiо.

At the end of the course, pupils should be able to:

Communicate in Spanish
Talk fluently to Spanish-Native speakers about versatile themes
Know – well the register
Vocabulary is fine, but pupils often ask for an adequate word. They should be able to discuss abstract topics
Write well-structured texts on complex topics
Explain and defend argumentatively the opinion
Curriculum and syllabus are adjusted to the needs of the pupils.

It is necessary 140 lessons or 35 weeks.



Extended knowledge from the previous courses: (a, de, en, con, por, para, entre, contra, etc.),
Compound Nouns and Prepositions
Prefixes & Suffixes
Reflexive Pronouns, Objective Case
la mitad, todo, cuanto, la mayoría, la mayor parte, el resto…,
Word Order
Present, Future and Past Tenses (usage & functions)
Sequence of Tenses, Subjunctive
Phrasal Verbs
Infinitive, Gerund, Participle
verbos de cambiо.

At the end of the course, pupils should be able to:

Communicate in Spanish
Talk fluently to Spanish-Native speakers about versatile themes
Know – well the register
Vocabulary is fine, but pupils often ask for an adequate word. They should be able to discuss abstract topics
Write well-structured texts on complex topics
Explain and defend argumentatively the opinion
Curriculum and syllabus are adjusted to the needs of the pupils.

It is necessary 140 lessons or 35 weeks.

This course helps students to deepen their knowledge and master its use. Enrich vocabulary and gain the freedom to speak about a variety of topics. Expand knowledge about hispanic civilization. Teacher chooses topics and materials in consultation with students and in accordance with their needs and interests.
Authentic materials: newspaper and literary texts, audio and video material.