THE COURSES last two semesters (eight mounths). They include 140 classes (2 x 90 minutes per a week) – except the Engineering Course that last two semesters, including 108 classes.

Meeting the Institutions of EU
meeting the terminology that is used in the texts about the EU and its documents
Professional Training for discussion about the topics regarding EU (e.g. Preparation for the status of full-membership of the EU, how do entering EU reflect the topics such as Economics, Education, Health System, Mobility of the Employees, etc).
Developing the four language skills: Listening Comprehension, Reading Comrehension, Writing and Speaking.
Extended and deepening of the Grammar and Lexical Competencies necessary for successful Oral and Written communication (e.g. Expressing your Opinion, Development of Argumentation, Giving Examples, Comparison, Disagreeing with Co-Speaker, etc.)


Tenses, Passive, Conditionals, Reported Speech, Causative Have, Subjunctive, Perfect Infinitive, Modals …


Contracts, Liquidation, The Employment Laws, Breach of The Contract, Guarantees, Versatile Criminal Acts, Arbitration

At the end of this course it is expected that the student should be able to:

Use the Tenses, Passive, Conditionals, Reported Speech, Causative Have, Subjunctive, Perfect Infinitive, Modals …
Discuss and debate issues from different areas of law, the choice of which depends on the needs and interests of students.


Use The Tenses, Passive, Conditionals, Causative Have, Reported Speech, Modals …


Debate on versatile Medical Topics

At the end of this course it is expected that the trainee should be able to:

The importance of healthy eating habits
Coronary heart disease, stress,
Smoking and diseases caused by smoking
Diabetes, diseases of the digestive system
Endocrine system diseases, Infectious diseases, arthritis,
Organ Transplantation, Allergy,
alternative medicine
Other subjects according to the interest of a particular group of students

Career Paths Construction I – Buildings – Evans, Dooley, Revels, Express Publishing

This course is intended for construction professionals who want to improve their english communication in a work environment.

Incorporating career – specific vocabulary and contexts, each lesson offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

The TOPIC include tools, safety equipment, basic maths, measurements, materials, foundations, site communication, parts of residence, parts of commercial buildings

The aims in this qualification are to enable candidatesto develop the spoken skills required to: communicate effectly in English at a customer liaison level for the hospitality, travel, and tourism industry.
Candidates who progress beyound the standard of Spoken English for Tourism Level 1 may attempt Spoken English for Tourism Level 2 which is is intended for those who are considering work within the travel and tourism industry at a junior management or supervisory level.


General spoken communication within a tourism context
Koliday and accomodation types
Leisure and business travellers and tourists
Methods of travel
Job roles in the travel and tourism industries
Understanding and processing tourism-related information
Tourism-related tasks
The specialist language of the tourism industry
In addition, candidates will be exprected to demonstrate a level of general linguistic competence.

Business English Course A1, (Starter)


TO BE, Numbers, Present Simple, Possessive Adjectives, Comparison of Adjectives, There is/There are Phrase, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Expressing The Future, Verbs CAN and HAVE TO


Personal Information, At a Restaurant, Telephoning, Describing and Comparing Places, Givibg Directions, Computer and The Internet

At the end of The Business English Course A1, (Starter) the trainee is expected to:

Describe Places
Use Computer and The Internet
Phone Conversations


Tenses ( Present Simple and Present Continuous, Future, Past Simple, Present Perfect,) WH-words,
Articles, Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives, Modals, Order of Adjectives, Comparative, Superlative, -ed & -ing adjectives, Prepositions, I, II Conditional, Infinitive and Gerund


Lifestyles, Making Plans, Workplace, Description of the Environment, Buying & Selling, Making Decisions, Complaints, Description of People, Team Work, Cultural Differences, Business Trips, Collegiality

At the end of The Business English Course A2, (Pre-Intermediate) the trainee is expected to:

Use The Tenses, WH-words, Modals, Comparison of Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, I, II Conditional
Talk about Versatile Topics: Introductions, Making Plans, Buying & Selling, Attitudes & Decisions, Changes, Ambitions, Cultural Differences

Business English Certificate – BEC 1, B1 CEF Level


Modals, Tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect), Questions, Talking about the Future, Phrasal Verbs, Passive, Conditionals, Time Clauses


Career, Types of Companies, Trade, Marketing & Advertising, Business Plans, Management and Managers, Starting New Business

At the end of Business English Certificate – BEC 1, student should be able to:

Use Tenses, Modals, Phrasal Verbs, Conditionals, Passive, Collocations…
Discuss versatile topics: career, buying and selling on The Internet, Types of Companies, Marketing, Plans, Managers, Managing Conflicts…
Write e-mail, short Business Letter

Business English Certificate – BEC 2, B2 CEF Level


Comparing, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Articles, Questions, Passive, Conditionals, Reported Speech, Prepositions, Modals, Relative Clauses, Talking about the Future


Globalization, Brands, Travelling, Advertising, Employment, Trade, Innovations, Organization, Money, Strategy, Management, Competition, Quality

At the end of Business English Certificate – BEC 2, student should be able to:

Use Tenses, Passive, Reported Speech, Modals, Articles, Conditionals, Noun combinations, Compare Different Products, Trends of The Companies…
Discuss versatile topics: Globalization, Brands, Inovations, Organization, Money, Ethics, Strategy, Leadership…
Write e-mail, Letter, Report, Business Letter

Business English Certificate – BEC 3, B3 CEF Level


Tenses, Passive, Prepositions, Conditionals, Perfect Infinitive, Prefixes, Gerund, Talking about The Future.


Communication, Marketing, Business Relationships, Success, Job, Business Risk, Leadership, Acquisition of An Enterprise, Future in Business.

At the end of Business English Certificate – BEC 3, student should be able to:

Use The Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, Modals, Tenses, Passive, Conditionals, Intensifying Adverbs, Independent Adverbs…
Discuss versatile topics: International Marketing, Risk, Finance Safety, Acquisition and Integrations, Relationships With Clients and Buyers…
Write Business Letter, Report, Offer, Display of Trends